Will someday split you open
Even if your life is now a cage.

For a Divine seed, the crown of your destiny,
Is hidden and sown on an ancient fertile plain
You hold the title to.

Love will surely bust you wide open
Into a unfettered, blooming new galaxy

Even if you mind is now
A spoiled mule.

A life-giving radiance will come,
God's gratuity will come

O look again within yourself,
For I know you were once the elegant host
To all the marvels in creation.

From a sacred crevice in your body
A bow rises each night
And shoots your soul into God.

Behold the Beautiful Drunk Singing One
From the lunar vantage point of Love.

He is conducting the affairs
Of the whole universe

While throwing wild parties
In a tree house - on a limb
In your heart.


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